Thursday, April 17, 2008

No Motorcycle For Me

Well I went and looked at a couple different name brand motorcycles. In each brand of bike I found the three bikes that were the most similar. All of the bikes were within 1000 dollars of one another. The problem is everyone I turn to to talk about the possibility of a purchase in my family seems to not look on the decision as being a wise one. One argument looks at it as it is not a matter of if I get hurt but when. So I will bow out gracefully i guess.

I looked at the scooters while I was NO!


The MAN Fan Club said...

Just rent a motorcycle every now and then. See you Friday night. Glad the bad weather is tonight and not Friday night.


Anonymous said...

I will get a motorcycle one day but I am going to wait a bit further out from transplant. Life is too short.

Tony Rosenberg said...

I'm gonna be a grown man and not ask my mommy if it's okay if I get a motorcycle ...

sorry, couldn't resist, puff!