Well I was brave enough to talk to the physicians assistant about getting with my doctor to seriously talk about a date when I can return to work. As it stands right now June 1st is what my doctor is comfortable with. About 6 weeks ago I talked to him about the possibility of going back part time May 1st. That way I could help with shutting down the school for the year and be around the kids and staff before they leave. At the time he said that could be a possibility and if I felt strong enough and they thought I could handle it he would definitely consider it.
Well since then I have had two instances of Graf vs. Host pop up (skin rashes-mouth soars-digestive issues). Nothing major mind you just things you have to deal with going through all of this stuff.
I got the feeling from the physicians assistant today that this probably is NOT going to happen. They did reduce my steroid and she did mention that if everything is going well the next two weeks we can talk about at that time. We shall see. I want to go back badly but at the same time I don't want to risk anything and further delay my return. Right now I am in a hurry up and wait mode.
At this time I give myself about a 30% to 40% chance of returning May 1. Those percentages increase as the days go by and nothing pops up.
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