Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Streak That I Want To End

This week has been rough on me sleeping wise. The problem I am having is I am waking up at early hours and I can't seem to fall asleep. Each night I am tired and fall to sleep quickly but again each night I am waking up between 2:30 and 4:00 in the morning.

Friday Night- Woke up at 2:30- Had busy day but I started thinking about beating cancer. I have recently been declared in remission of leukemia, which is wonderful news, but this is my second transplant so I have heard those words before. Sometimes I worry about being there for my wife and kids. This just happened to be one of those nights. It happens. I think I am going to start going to a Cancer group at my church on Monday nights to help me. I stay upbeat and positive but it is hard. I will be so happy when I make it to the cure mark. I can then truly think about the future. Until then I have to live like everything is normal for me and my family but at the same time prepare my family for the worse case situation. It is a tough situation to be in.

Saturday Night- Woke up at 3:00- the kids were staying over at my parents house. I was excited for the new car for my wife. She LOVES her car. But I also don't sleep as well when the kids are not at home. I love the opportunity to be husband and wife and give the daddy role a break but the house seems a little empty when they are not there. I woke up at 3 and went to go check on the kids. I usually do this every night. I just go in and check the covers and make sure they are okay. I went into my son's room and the bed was empty. I just turned around and went back to bed....a little sad he was not there.

Sunday Night- woke up at 2:00- Have no clue. I was exhausted from Easter.

Monday Night- woke up at 3:45- Hungry as the devil. Thank goodness for PB and J.

Tuesday Night- Woke up at 1:22- We had Sloppy Joe's for dinner and those suckers are causing some serious HEARTBURN!!! I tried some pepto but I think I felt it go AROUND the heartburn. The heartburn just laughed at it. If I sit up it goes away. That is why I am blogging now.

I think I am going to invest in some Tylenol pm.

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