Sunday, March 16, 2008

Insurance WAR Update

Okay you are going to laugh at this. I called the insurance company today because I was told Tuesday that they would have the check in the mail by Thursday and I should have it Friday or Saturday at the latest. Well Friday and Saturday came and went and I have NO CHECK.

We are creeping up on two months with no monitary contribution from JDHTEACH. Are we going to have to take MORE money out of savings?

Well I called them this morning. Of course its Sunday so you get computer real people.

I found out from Mr. Computer that my check will be mailed on March 17th and the first check will be mailed to my employer and after that each check will be mailed to my house. The check for March will be mailed on the 29th. Cool I thought...that is about $6,000 in 12 days. I was so happy I hung up......then it hit me.

My district is on Spring Break until the Tuesday after EASTER! I wont be able to get my check until the 24th of March at the EARLIEST!

February has been a dry month but it looks like with my wifes bonus for teaching Saturday school and my two checks owed me March 31st will be a good day in our household.. Just gotta hang on a little longer.
My only question is why did my case manager tell me they were mailing it to me and the computer says they are mailing it to my employer??

This company has issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you keep having problems you should see if the district has an Insurance Liason, or an Insurance Broker that acts as a go-between. When we were having problems with our insurance company getting reimburse on money owed to us, my company's insurance broker stepped in and helped us cut through all the bullcrap and get some progress made. Sometimes thier words have a little more oomph and if the insurance company gets the impression they may lose the current or future business of the district then it's amazing how quickly they can jump. Just a thought.