About six years ago I moved to work in my current school district. I grew up in a large district and worked in that same district for almost 10 years. I moved my family a little bit up the road and worked in another large district for one year. I really enjoyed working in these districts and thought I knew how districts did their business.
Then I moved to this smaller 2A district 6 years ago as I accepted my first administrative position. I have grown to principal in those six years and the district has grown to a 4A district. I can honestly say that I have worked in no place like this. The feeling in this district among all of central administration and campus administration is unlike anywhere I have seen or been a part of. This change happened when our current Superentindant came to be here. I will follow this man into any battle. The support that I have received as a young administrator both personally and professionally is amazing. He has looked after my family during my sickness and school.
We spent over 12 hours together yesterday at an administrative retreat and it was AWESOME. All of the new administrators (mostly promoted from within) have made mention that our team is something special. They have never seen anything like this. I know my wife who is a teacher in a large district is impressed with how we do things. I have heard on more than one occassion that she wishes her administrator would think like the administrators in our district.
This carries over to our new teachers as well. I have already heard from some of my new teachers how excited they are to get going based on the staff development they have attended so far with the district. They can't put their finger on it but they realize they are in a special situation.
Don't get me wrong. I have friends who work in large districts and they are very happy with where they are because they have strong working relationships with their co-workers and administrators. But they have also gone through times where they were actively searching for a new home.
I am blessed to be where I am. I am happy to see that others are seeing what I have been seeing for quite a while.
I have those feelings about our campus. I know it isn't shared on my previous campus so I feel a little guilty when those friends ask how I like my current situation. I try to contain my "I LOVE IT" feelings.
Nice isn't it?
It is very nice. I do talk to my friends who are administrators in the district you and worked in years ago and they are so glad I got out. It is sad. They enjoy their job but have very little respect for the district leaders.
I absolutely love my current district. I think working in a district where I was miserable was actually a huge blessing for helping me get perspective on my current job. Even on a bad day, I feel so blessed to be at such an amazing place.
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