Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Week That Was

So I was out of town all this week for a training session in Austin with a large group of teachers. I have a TON of thoughts on the week that was.

1. I love my district that I work in but sometimes I am reminded that we are still small. Case in Point- I arrive Monday morning to pick up the vehicles for the trip. Now these vehicles have been reserved for weeks. The vehicles were not ready to go when I showed up. KUDDOS to the maintenance department for stepping up and getting those vehicles ready.

2. We walked into the bank to cash our checks and (again being a small town) the people that work there froze for a moment.

3. I don't think any bank in LE EVER has 13 people in it at once. EVER

4. 5 hours to get there....3 and a half WITH a stop to get home. Think we were ready to be home?

5. I was reminded daily just how lucky I am....thank you Sweety...thank you mom and dad.

6. The van ride was lonely at times. It was just me and the luggage.

7. Training was part of the training go a bit old but they did change it up on the last full day.

8. LOVE ALL THE CHANGES TO THE HOUSE while I was gone. Tracey worked her tail off.

8. Five days is too long to be away from home.

1 comment:

MJP & SJP said...

Coming home is always nice