Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well the testing season for school accountability ratings is done in the state of Texas. As principal of one of the million schools in the great state of Texas I am like everyone else trying to crunch our numbers to see how we performed as a school. This is the third year of me being principal at my campus and you always hear how it takes 3 years to really see how you are doing as a campus.

There are 4 accountability ratings handed out by the state.
1. Unacceptable
2. Acceptable
3. Recognized
4. Exemplary

Your rating as a campus is based on the lowest score of your sub population that counts. In other words if you have one sub population that is in the acceptable range but all others are in the exemplary range then you are an acceptable campus. Also it is possible for a kid to count in more than one sub population.

African American
Asian Pacific Islander
Economically Disadvantaged

It is possible for a kid to be white and economically disadvantaged and at-risk. If he does not pass he counts in three areas.

Well my campus is RECOGNIZED for the first time EVER this year. This is HUGE NEWS!!! Of course we get the official word from the state in October but at the moment it is looking really good.

I am so proud of my campus, the kids, and staff. WHOOHOO


The MAN Fan Club said...

I think we will be exemplary. With the sub-populations we have that is HUGE!

Tony Rosenberg said...

Just wondering ...

What's the score necessary to be RECOGNIZED?

Anonymous said...

At least 75 % of ALL of your subpopulations must pass. Trust me...this is not easy with my population. Like I said...this have NEVER happened at this campus.


Anonymous said...

Now what is pass? It depends on the test. It ranges for 75% is passing to you must get over 80% to pass.
