Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dad Stands Up To Grandpa- The Series Continues

Christmas of 78 or 79 I got a new remote controlled Trans Am AND a remote control Semi-Truck. The truck even came with cones so you could steer it through an obstacle course. I was so stoked! Now I could play SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT!! The day after Christmas dad was going over to see Grandpa H. (From the bar story). Dad asked me if I wanted to go and show Grandpa my new remote controlled truck. Grandpa being a truck driver in his younger days my dad thought my grandpa might enjoy it.

Now I have to describe my Grandpa H. MJP remember's him well. In his later years (last 5 to 7 years)grandpa was very nice. Growing up the only way I can describe him is "rough" I knew he loved me and my sister but he had a very hard time showing it. Now put a six pack of beer in him and he became sweeter.

So we get to Grandpa's house and he is not there. My dad tells me to take my truck and set it up in the bar. When Grandpa gets home he will come and see it.

Now I need to describe the bar- This was an addition onto the back of the house. It was was a large room with a fireplace, a couch, a record player that was as big and long as the couch, a large space for dancing, and a bar that sat eight people. The keg was set up in the fridge and a spout came off the side of the fridge. All you had to do is get your glass and you had beer on the tap!

THE BAR- was my grandfathers SACRED area. Kids were not allowed in there without Grandpa being in there. This was an established law. So maybe you can understand my questioning look to my dad when he told me to go set up in the bar. But I did as my dad said.

So I get set up and am having the time of my life playing with my truck. Grandpa enters the house and he goes into the kitchen and is talking with my dad. Dad tells grandpa to go into the bar because JDHTEACH has something he wants to show me.

My grandfather realizing I was in the bar without supervision got PISSED and marched into the bar. As he enters the room my truck is rounding the corner and grandpa stepped on my truck and crushed it. It was an accident he did not mean to do it but the damage was done. I was just speechless. I said nothing and just ran into the den. Dad seeing this entered the bar to see what happened. He sees my truck and he LIGHTS INTO my grandfather.

It was the first time I ever saw my dad stand up to my grandfathers behavior. He basically told my grandfather what an ASS he was. For the first time in my life and the only time in my life did I see my grandfather get chewed up. My grandfather new he had screwed up so he said absolutely nothing while my dad chewed on him. To this day it is the most upset I have ever seen my dad. I think if my grandfather would have said a word my dad would have punched him. I am not making that up.

When my dad was done with my grandfather he was just sitting in a chair with his head down. My dad walked out of the kitchen and as he opened the door he said, "Get in the truck son." I just got up and did what my dad said. I did not say a word.

On the way home dad stopped off at Toy's R Us and bought me a new truck. I was so amazed at what I had seen. I had a new sence of pride in my dad. From that day on my grandfather was different towards me and my sister. Sure he could still be an ASS to people but when it came to the grandkids he KNEW....THE KIDS WERE OFF LIMITS.


Anonymous said...

maybe if you weren't sipping on his beer from the tap, you wouldn't have drove the truck under his foot. hahaha

The MAN Fan Club said...

What a story. Good thing he didn't crush your dad's truck. LOVED Smokey and the Bandit.