Saturday, January 3, 2009

Just Talking Here

Here lately I have been feeling pretty good. Well good for me. I am quickly approaching the one year anniversary of my transplant. This is important to me. You see the first time I went through this process I was my own donor and I was in remission for 11 months. Then the cancer came back.

I feel pretty good now but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think at least once about cancer. It can be something very simple as just playing with the kids and I am reminded of the times that I have been taken away from them on extended periods of time and how much that sucked. It could also be that on most days something on my body hurts. It is mainly joints, ankles, knees, shoulders, neck and my back....Holy cow my back is a mess. Anytime I sit on the floor to be with the kids I am reminded of all of the bone marrow biopsy's I have had because I can feel those pressure points when I sit.

99% of the time I never say anything to anyone. This is because A. Who wants to hear me bitch daily. B. I don't want to come across as wanting or expecting special treatment.

I did decide to say "screw it" this weekend and do some physical labor when I gutted out a small bathroom in our house. It was nice to take my mind off of the current physical me and go back to what I used to do physically. I put in about 5 straight hours with only a couple of breaks. It was not all that hard but I will say this TOILETS ARE NOT LIGHT!! But I yanked that puppy out with ease as far as lifting it.

This morning I totally paid the price for it. I could not get out of bed until about TEN. Big reminder of the current physical me. But a hot shower and some movement got the kinks out.

I was going to work on it some more today but I took the day off from it. I figured two days in a row and I would down for the count. I will go in tomorrow and do a little more.

Now if my back, neck, knees, ankles, and hips will get with the program I can make some progress.

Thanks for listening to me bitch!


unt grad said...

It's okay to bitch every once in awhile. We all need that outlet and it's not complaining, it's just venting. It can be good for the soul.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better, just don't overdo it too much.. I know when my dad does that, it is like you said, down for the count. Then it takes him quite a few days to get back to "normal".