Friday, November 28, 2008

That would be COST- CO Jack

A while back Jack was with my sister traveling down the highway. I don't remember where they were comming from. I think it was a golf store....


Jack has been really reading everything he can. He tries sounding out ANY WORD he sees.

They past by a store and sounded this..... CCCCC...OOOO..NNNN...DD..OOO...MMMSSS TTToooo....GOOO.....Condoms to GO???/

OOOhhhhh...Jack told my sister....Pa takes me there all the time!!!

My sister nearly swerved into the curb.... I don't think so Jack....

Uh HUH...was his answer...We go there and get a HOTDOG all the TIME!!!!

My sister....Ummm Jack that's COSTCO.....

Well isn't that it? was Jack's response....

No...No Jack they sell other items at that store....


The MAN Fan Club said...

No Jack, that's where the North cheeleaders hang out.

JDHTEACH said...

That is FUNNY...Sad..but funny

Anonymous said...


We were at trade days in McKinney one time & my daughter was still learning to read/sound out stuff.. there was a little sign for sale that said something about "rich
bit**" & sure enough she read that outloud while pointing at it.. I had to say that wasn't a good word & knew she didn't know it but not to say it anymore.. she said ok & just went on.. OH and the time when she was in preschool & she told me about the boy on the play ground getting his Foot STuck.. but got it a bit confused and instead was saying SToot Fuc** -- I nearly had a heart attack..