Saturday, April 18, 2009


I hate it when I misplace or lose something. I have a rush of emotions when this happens to me. They usually hit me in stages.
1. Phase One- (The Huh Phase) During this phase you go to where you thought the item was and it is not there. Thus, you think to yourself Huh, I thought I put it right here. No panic or worry has set in just yet.
2. Phase Two- ( Where is it?) During this phase you are starting to look in multiple places in the off chance you set the item down somewhere and forgot about it. At this time worry is starting to creep into your thoughts.
3. Phase Three (Adamant Phase) During this phase you are confident beyond belief that you know where you put it and that SOMEONE clearly came and borrowed it or took it without talking to you first. At this point you are just mad and worry has graduated to full blown panic. In addition you start to determine in your mind who TOOK your item from you as clearly this is their fault.
4. Phase 4 (Clueless Phase) You have now calmed down a bit and you have mentally retraced your steps. You have gone to every place you went with said object and it is still not there. At this time you run up the red flag and pronounce yourself defeated as you have NO CLUE where said object might be.
This morning I misplaced something and I am somewhere in between phase 3 and 4. I am still adamant about what I did with the object because there was no down time for me to misplace it somewhere else and I am mad and somewhat in a panic mode that I cannot find it. You see this object was not mine in the first place and it is somewhat expensive to replace. At the same time I have back tracked my steps in the off chance they appear somewhere and I have had no luck. Thus I am mad and clueless. (Yeah I know I am clueless..ha!)


unt grad said...

Unlike FroZone's wife, I came to help. Turns out the cardinal rule of panicking is this: When panicked you tend to miss things because you are not LOOKING for them you're SCANNING for them. Said item was exactly where you put it, but was hiding behind a stack of Post-It notes.

The MAN Fan Club said...

I like it when the item I am looking for ends up in my right hand or in my pocket. NICE. Coo Coo!