Sunday, April 12, 2009

Root Beer

So Jack and I have been hanging together out here in Abilene. In our travels Jack has discovered the "greatness" of A and W Root Beer. He loves the stuff. He has had root beer before but on this little car trip any time we stop somewhere to get a drink he wants a root beer and it has to be A and W. No Mug..No other brand will do.

I remember as a kid A and W being my favorite RB of choice so I can't blame him. I thought it was pretty funny when he and I were discussing in the car that this type of beer did not change (his words) your brain like regular beer.

Well mommy and baby girl made it to Abilene and we were on our way to a baseball game so I stopped off for a drink to bring to the game. I asked everyone in the car if they wanted anything.

As I am getting out of the car standing there Jack yells out really loud.


On behalf of the academy I would like to thank everyone for voting me for father of year.

At this point as I quickly scan the parking lot to see if anyone esle heard that.


MJP & SJP said...

At least he didn't yell for you to bring him some smokes as well.

The MAN Fan Club said...

I like Barqs.