Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thank You Dad For Being You


I wanted to take this time to thank you for being you. I am who I am because of you. Your life lessons did not fall on deaf ears dad. I really did listen. Even during those hard learned lessons. I listened to everything you said. I wanted to show you how much I cared for you. That is why my son is named after you.

My whole mission in life is to pass on those lessons you taught me on how to be a good son, brother, young man and one day....a man of his own.

Today I saw how much you mean to my son. As I watched him sink into your grasp and grab your arm to put around himself I could tell that he knew that as long as he was there he felt safe. You could see his whole body just relax as he buried himself into you.

Jack loves his Pa.

I love you dad....and thanks for just being you.

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