I was at working at a college campus today and I have a few observations about the whole "college" culture.
It was fun watching the different groups or types of students as they came and went about their business.
First- I want to applaud them for furthering their education to be a productive part of society.
Now on to my observations:
Saw one guy who obviously was the shisnit with his croney's. Which is a higher ranking wanker? The guy who everyone follows in HIGH SCHOOL or the guy who everyone follows at your local JUNIOR COLLEGE? This guy was flocking around like he was the starting QB at UT. I had to check the marquee again...yep we are at a junior college.
Art Students Are Hilarious- They come out of their class and walk by me as I am on the phone conducting school business. There are two guys and one girl. Nothing they are wearing goes together. I guess that was the plan. They all are wearing sunglasses that look great.... ON JACKIE KENNEDY. Their hair is going all over the place as if they have not seen a comb in years. As they pass they look over at me as if I AM THE WEIRD ONE?!?
I saw MANY gorgeous girls today and VERY FEW good looking guys. Wonder why?
The people who work in the library REALLY take their job of keeping the silence seriously. I got a soft drink today and as my purchase was released the machine shot my change out like a rocket and on to the floor. As I am picking my change up the lady at the reference desk was looking at me obviously upset that I upset the balance of her universe.
A. Don't look at me your machine shot my change out like it was being shot out of a 4-10 bolt action rifle.
B. Knowing that your university was the one who put this machine here not me?
C. There is no one within 50 yards of me.
D. This is an open hallway. The study area is on the other side of the GLASSED IN wall.
In the realm of (I TAKE MY JOB SERIOUSLY TOO) we had 5 people late to our training today because the University Roscoe P. Coletrain pulled them over for speeding on the campus. They set their speed limit to 20mph. He gave all of them warnings.
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