Friday, March 13, 2009

Your An Ass If.....

So I go to take my wife and kids out to eat. And it's a nice place. Love and War in Texas. They seat us and immediately "Your and Ass If" radar goes into full blown ALERT status.

There is a table of about eight people meeting for a HAPPY HOUR. One guy clearly thinks that EVERY PERSON in the eating establishment gives a royal crap about what he has to say.

I was about to ask to be reseated and I was going to tell the waiter why so he would not think it was him. It did not matter what this guy said he screamed everthing.

No crap Sherlock. One time I actually said outloud for the love of all that is holy shut up!!! I mean this...we could not have a coversation because my wife and I had to keep saying...WHAT? WHAT???

Finally, that guy left the group and went home. But it had already been established.

This guy is an ass for being so loud in an eating establishment that everyone in the room can hear you word for word.


Mo said...

I always have said that people nowadays think they are all starring in a reality show about themselves and that we are merely their supporting cast.

Have a great break - you deserve one!
:) MO

The MAN Fan Club said...

Alcohol turns a normal voice into a megaphone and sometimes a butthole megaphone.

A lady was at Steak n Shake and was with her son and she began complaining and reeming the manager and finally she started cussing. That's when I got up and confronted her. She grabbed her stuff and stormed out the front door without paying. I was waiting for her to come back with a gun.....really.