Monday, November 16, 2009

It Must Be Magic

So Tracey and I have been trying to set up a teacher conference with Jacks teacher for about two weeks. Our first challenge was she kept trying to set it up during the day. She knows we both work but it was worth it so Tracey was going to take a personal day and go during the teachers 45 minute conference period. HENCE THE NAME...CONFERENCE PERIOD. Then we were informed that she could only give us about 20-30 minutes. When we told her we needed more time and that we would need to meet before or after school we were informed that she does not get to school until 7:45 and she leaves at 3:45. Again a 15 minute conference.

So I sent her an email listing our questions and a little detail on each question to give her a heads up on her answers so that we could meet HER time contraints. Because in a profession where you serve the public ITS ALL ABOUT YOU!!

We contacted the principal of the campus trying to get him to help us set up a longer conference. We needed 45 minutes to an hour.

Again we were stonewalled. He would not help us at all.

So we decided that many of our questions he could answeer since HE IS THE INSTRUCTIONAL LEADER of the campus. So I sent him the exact same email we sent Tracey's teacher.

We got a call today and SOMEHOW peoples schedules opened up at Jacks school and LIKE MAGIC we got a parent conference set up on OUR TIME SCHEDULE.... What was in this magic email???? Read below.

Good Morning! I understand that you and Tracey are in the process of setting up a time to sit down and talk regarding Jack’s grades in math. I also understand there are some time constraints to being able to meet so I am emailing you to let you know ahead of time what our questions are at this time. As we were monitoring his grades in the on line grading system we had a few questions.

Grade Input- We noticed that Jack had a mid C average in math. For quite some time that is where he has been performing. In one day (this past Monday November 9th) we noticed his average dropped 5 points to a 70. When we looked at his grades several grades had been entered with obvious low grades being earned by Jack. We did get a couple but not all of the assignments that were recently added to the grade book. They said "Re Do" across the top of the paper. In the past we have noticed that when we do this with Jack and he turns it in to you his grade improves. Our concern here is with the cut off for grades being due (Thursday November 12th) do we have time to work with Jack at home and get this turned back into you to show Jack’s mastery of learning on these concepts? When we turn in a "re do" paper is a new grade given on that paper or is an alternative assignment given to Jack and a new grade based on what he earned on that assignment put into the grade book? Again, in the past we have noticed some improvement in Jack’s grades after we work with him but we are not clear on how his grade improved. Of course we have tried getting information from Jack but he is not sure either.

Grade Input Guidelines- I know there is nothing district wide mandated but at your campus is there a guideline as to getting grades into the computer prior to grades being due for report cards and progress reports? I ask this because with some of Jack’s grades that were recently put into the grade book Tracey and I fear that we don't have time to help Jack understand the concepts prior to testing. What is happening to us is we think Jack is doing well because he is rocking along working with us. Then in one day we see 5 grades being entered that are not good and we are backed up to either a report card or a test being given in a matter of days.

Please understand Tracey and I know the demands being placed on you as a classroom teacher. We just want to make sure that when we are notified of Jack’s grades that we have enough time to help Jack.

Graded Work Coming Home- There are some grades in the grade book that we do not see coming home in Jacks folder. On the other side of that we are seeing papers come home with grades on them but they are not entered into the grade book. This is causing some confusion on our part.

Monitoring the Effectiveness of Tutoring: In talking with Jack I became aware that Jack is not being tutored by you in math. Here we have a student who is not performing well consistently in math and he is being tutored by someone who is not his math teacher. My concern with this system being in place is that with Jack’s grades being what they are he is obviously not learning what he needs to. This could be for several reasons. What procedure is in place to monitor the effectiveness of tutoring? If it is determined to not be effective what procedures are in place to correct the problem? Is is possible for Jack to tutor with you? If this will not work then Tracey and I will be pulling Jack from math tutoring and he will work with us. That might be the easiest thing to do for you and Jack.

Mastery Learning- What procedures are taken as a campus when a student does not perform well on a given assignment?
• Does the student simply correct the problems missed?
• Is there a reteach of the concepts being missed by either small group instruction or whole class given the circumstances of how well the class did on the assignment.
• Is there a reteach of the concept being missed by the student and an alternative assessment being given for major grades such as test?
• Have you been given direction from either your grade level or campus administration as to the guidelines for mastery learning or is it up to the individual teacher to determine what to do when facing this situation? In talking with parents with kids in other classes it seems to us that each teacher is doing something different. While that is not optimal, if that is the system in place so be it. We are just confused as to what the procedure in place looks like at this time.
I know there is a lot of information here so you can see why I am sending this to you now. I was not sure you and Tracey could cover this much information in 15 to 30 minutes.
So in review:
• Timelines for getting grades put into the computer in a timely manner for parents so that averages don't drop 5-10 points in a day.
• How does the "Re Do" policy actually affect Jack's grade?
• Tutoring- How is it being monitored for effectiveness.
• Tutoring Part 2- If it is determined to not be effective what procedures are in place to make it effective?
• Mastery Learning- As a grade level, campus, or individual teacher, what procedure is in place to ensure mastery learning?
• Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking with Tracey at the conclusion of your conference.


KC said...

Good for you! Your e-mail set out your concerns without being accusatory -- in fact, you specifically said that you understand the demands of being a teacher (which obviously you both do!). But, it sure did get across that you have specific concerns about valid problems you're seeing. These folks probably aren't glad that you and Tracey are so involved in your kids' education, but they should be. Keep it up -- it's definitely hard work being a good parent, but you and Tracey are my idols!

Amy said...

You should have just said what you always told us - parents don't want sticker shock. I always remember that...