Have you seen the taco bell commercial where the girl lost a ton of weight while eating taco bell fresh items?
The before and after shots are amazing....but I have a few questions.
I wanted to lose weight but did not want to give up my fast food.......
Ummmm...then how did you think you could lose the weight? Cutting back only gets you so far.
These results are not typical........... no kidding....you either had surgery or did something drastic and throwing some pico on your taco aint it.
Actually, Puff ... being somewhat of an expert on weight loss :) ... it's actually quite possible.
There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you want to lose a pound, you have to deficit 3,500 calories ... simple, mathematical fact ... you can't get around it ... naturally.
If you NORMALLY eat 4,000 calories per day, every day of the week, and maintain current weight, then your basic metabolic rate is equal to your intake. In other words, you're eating what you should to maintain your weight.
If you drop to 3,500 calories per day, you are deficit 500 calories per day. 500x7=3,500 ... You'll lose a pound that week.
It's not WHAT you eat in as much as HOW MUCH OF IT - and, what's its caloric content.
The same way Jared lost his weight eating at Subway.
I understand that while it is possible to lose the weight the way this person did it, it also leave out so much more. I understand that the Subway guy did it, but he also walked a lot and exercised. This lady didn't say any of that. So I find this commercial to be deceptive, due to the fact that they're encouraging people to eat at fast foods while taking the medicine. There's more to it than that, people can be stupid and try to find the easy way out.
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