Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Am So Sorry

So on Friday I had a doctor's appointment. You see Friday was the second week of four that I am going in and getting a new drug that will help me with my Graf vs. Host issues. You see up till now they have been handling it with steriods. And I have been doing GREAT! The problem is as they decrease my steriod I get to a point where the GvH stuff starts showing up. The goal is to get me OFF of steriods. That is what this new drug hopefully is going to do.

So the treatment plan is this.

Week One- 6 hour drip through an IV. (DONE)
Week Two- 3 Hour drip
Week Three 3 Hour Drip
Week Four 3 hour drip

Friday was week two.

I have a nurse that normally tends to me. I love her! She is awesome!! She really takes good care of me. The problem was she was out yesterday so I had a substitute nurse.

Substitute nurses are REAL hit and miss. There does not seem to be an in between.

So yesterday I was supposed to be there at 12. There is an hour of premeds and then the 3 hour drip. So I was prepared to be out of there between 4 and 5 oclock.

Well I sign in and they almost immediately get me back to the nursing station. It's Friday before a long weekend so the place is PACKED. There is no rooms available so they are going to set me up in a recliner in the common area. This is an area where 6-8 recliners are set up. No big deal....I can hang and there are other people I can talk to.

Well I get in my chair and I wait...and wait...and wait...and wait.

Finally the sub nurse comes to me and says...I am so sorry they did not tell me you were here. Lets get you back and get your IV in.

This nurse SUCKED at putting an IV in. First she argued with me in a polite way of where she should put the IV in. She wanted to go into my wrist or hand. I finally had to tell her. Look, if you go into my hand or wrist my hand is going to blow up like a blow fish. You are not going into my hand.

So she goes into my arm. And she misses the vein. So she is digging around trying to hit it. This hurts like a son of a bitch. As I am trying to remain still she says..Do you always squirm this much? Gee lady I don't you always gasp for air when someone is chocking the crap out you.

So we get the IV in and we get the premeds started. The premeds knock me loopy.

I fall asleep and when I wake up I notice that I am not hooked up to my medicine. I call to find out what is going on and sub nurse FORGOT ABOUT ME!!! She checked a couple of times for my meds and then got busy working with other patients and forgot about me. I lost TWO FREAKING HOURS RIGHT THERE!!!

I finally got unhooked at SEVEN. All I heard was I am so sorry....I am so sorry...

Yeah right lady....DON'T TOUCH ME!!!

You should see the bruise on my arm where she blew out the vien. YUCK